[Geodata] OpenAerialMap: To what extent does the Geodata committee want to participate?

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Sun Dec 2 08:39:35 EST 2007

dear all, 
On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 07:33:22PM -0500, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>  1. Is there anyone on the committee who is against this use for an
>     OSGeo server? The goal of the project is to collect open aerial
>     imagery from around the world and provide it as a service
It seems like a great use of the systems with a lot of public benefit,
a midpoint between 'data easily available' and 'expert processing'.
Maybe the specific questions i have are better addressed to the 
OAM-talk list http://openaerialmap.org/mailman/listinfo/talk_openaerialmap.org
- is the plan just to run a WMS service or also to make larger
  'seamless' tiles available for download
- how will this work out when some bits of a stitched image are
  updated over time and others aren't
- how easy will it be to federate/distribute processing and storage
  if the load on telascience becomes too much, and how can we (the
  committee / osgeo) help marshal this
>  2. To what extent does the Geodata committee want to participate in the
>     project? The current holders of the domain name openaerialmap.org
>     are willing to donate the domain name to a foundation, and are
>     looking to participate in the wider community. Does OSGeo wish to
>     take on the hosting of this type of data? 

I'd definitely be supportive of this use of the foundation to provide
formal support, if the project founders and looking for it. 
Dave Patton's "OSGeo Data Project" idea wrt confluence came up at the
last irc meet, it would be good to have a broader discussion about how
the foundation could help out projects of this kind.
> My opinion to these is "Yes, and Yes". I think this could be a major win
> for OSGeo, to be a founding participant in the OpenAerialMap project.

Yes, and Yes from here too.



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