[Geodata] geotorrents?

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Fri Mar 9 12:49:30 EST 2007

dear Chris, glad to hear you finally got it all packaged up.

On Fri, Mar 09, 2007 at 12:23:40PM -0500, Chris Holmes wrote:
> Hey, so I have my sigma/tiger data (postgis dumps of roads, water, 
> landmarks, vmap0 countries and gnis, with geoserver configurations) all 
> ready to distribute.  
1. Where should I put them?  

Schuyler volunteered at the last meeting to maintain status on this
and be 'pointer person'. I've been out of this loop for awhile.
I'd be curious to know what the extent of overlap is with Martin's
work on augmented Vmap0 for flightgear, whether it's interesting to
squash to two together, or distribute your offering as a clear

Also remember 'no data without metadata'. It's incumbent upon me to
provide you with a quick and clean way of annotating what is in your
package. I wonder what it contains already. ,)

Also at the last meeting We Agreed to start using the shiny new OSGeo
trac installation to keep notes on What Is To Be Done on the geodata
repository. I have not looked at the web in 2 months. I`m so relaxed.

I could happily create a ticket while not logged in, alternatively
any regular OSGeo LDAP username and password should also work. 

2. Do we have some sort of geotorrent set up? 

Not yet. I'd really like to start a tracker. The project I am working
on at the moment is a torrent-based distribution which allows you to
peer with people who want the same spatial or temporal extents,
hooking neatly into catalog services. I would love to be able to test
the implementation from telascience but ETA is a couple months off. 

In the meantime, why not start a tracker anyway. 
Should we tickle the social connections with geotorrents.org
It'll work better if the offering is 'promoted' and a lot of people
are sharing the load. I wonder how we can do that. 
> Copyright is creative commons by-sa, to TOPP, but I'm open to changing 
> things if there's good reasons.

I've been blanking on openstreetmap-legal-talk recently, but there's
been what looks like an Actually Productive Licensing Discussion
Partic. Richard F is starting to compile good 'gonzo legal' information.
> We've also been making good progress on WFS-T versioning, and hopefully 
> may be able to open up this data to shared editing when we get it 
> further along.

Super, then you will run into all the painful attribution questions :)
Glad to hear of so much progress!



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