[Geomoose-users] NASA OnEarth wms

Devon Piernot piernotd at uwplatt.edu
Thu Oct 15 19:12:13 EDT 2009

First off, thank you to everyone who has helped my application get this far.

As with the demo, I am trying to use the NASA global mosaic in my 
geomoose application, but I may be having some problems with 
projections.  I have defined EPSG:3071, which is the Wisconsin 
Transverse Mercator http://www.spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3071/ and 
all of my own data is in this projection, but the global mosaic does not 
recognize it.  When I leave the wms in EPSG:4326 the image shows up, but 
it matches the map less and less at smaller scales.  This can be seen on 
the demo here: http://gis.swwrpc.org/geomoose2/geomoose.html (zoom in 
and it looks ok, but zoom out and it is way off).

I see that the default projection for the global mosaic is EPSG:4326, 
does this mean that I cannot reproject it in geomoose 2.0?

I followed the instructions here: 
http://www.geomoose.org/moose/howto/wms_project.html but to no avail, 
which makes me believe it could be a problem with my configuration 
somehow.  Should I instead write a mapfile to take the wms?

Here is the code from my mapbook (with the default projection):
<map-source name="nasa" type="wms" tiled="false" projection="EPSG:4326">
        <layer name="global_mosaic"/>
        <param name="format" value="image/jpeg" reproject="true"/>
...and here is my projection:
Proj4js.defs["EPSG:3071"] = "+title= NAD83(HARN) / Wisconsin Transverse 
Mercator +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-90 +k=0.9996 +x_0=520000 
+y_0=-4480000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs";

Thank you all for your help

Devon Piernot
GIS / Web Developer
Southwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
(608) 342-6065
piernotd at uwplatt.edu

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