[Geomoose-users] Search Results zoom to, highlight etc not functioning

Sean Ziniker Sean.Ziniker at co.jefferson.or.us
Fri Sep 24 00:59:53 EDT 2010

The input "ID" you are referring to would be where it says "<input type="hidden" name="id"
value="ACCOUNT_ID" />" for a service?  The "ACCOUNT_ID" in that line is the attribute name in my taxlot shapefile.  As far as the projection question my data is in epsg:2913 but my map is in epsg:900913 to utilize the google layers.




Disclaimer:  This is a customized version of GeoMOOSE and the answer does not generally apply to the current GeoMOOSE version (2.2).  One thing to check is input "ID" for those services - this needs to be the key field for that data source.  Is the data in a different projection than GeoMOOSE?

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