[Geomoose-users] Search Results zoom to, highlight etc not functioning

Sean Ziniker Sean.Ziniker at co.jefferson.or.us
Fri Sep 24 11:40:35 EDT 2010




The problem is the projection difference.  I re-projected my taxlots
into 900913 and all services work correctly.  That leads me to another
question though.  Is it possible to use the services when the data is in
a different projection than the map?  Or is it just much easier to
re-project all my data into 900913?  I really would like to use the
Google projection and keep my data in its native projection, but not if
it is terribly difficult to make it work or services breakdown. 


Thanks for all your help




Sean Ziniker
GIS Analyst
Jefferson County, Oregon
66 S.E. "D" Street, Suite B
Madras, OR 97741
541.325.5083 Office
541.325.5089 Fax


From: Len Kne [mailto:lkne at houstoneng.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 6:51 AM
To: Sean Ziniker; geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: RE: [Geomoose-users] Search Results zoom to, highlight etc not


Hi Sean


I suspect the difference in the projection between the data and the map
may be the issue.  If you look at the response in Firebug, I'm would
expect the coordinates are going to be in 2913, which are not going to
match up anywhere on the map.  For example with the zoom-to service, if
the coordinates are outside the max extent of the map, it will zoom to
the center point of the map.  


A quick check would be to re-project the taxlots to 900913 and see if
the services work properly.  




From: Sean Ziniker [mailto:Sean.Ziniker at co.jefferson.or.us] 
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 12:00 AM
To: geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Geomoose-users] Search Results zoom to, highlight etc not


The input "ID" you are referring to would be where it says "<input
type="hidden" name="id"
value="ACCOUNT_ID" />" for a service?  The "ACCOUNT_ID" in that line is
the attribute name in my taxlot shapefile.  As far as the projection
question my data is in epsg:2913 but my map is in epsg:900913 to utilize
the google layers.




Disclaimer:  This is a customized version of GeoMOOSE and the answer
does not generally apply to the current GeoMOOSE version (2.2).  One
thing to check is input "ID" for those services - this needs to be the
key field for that data source.  Is the data in a different projection
than GeoMOOSE?


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