[Geomoose-users] KML Files

Moore, Richard J richard.moore at mnsu.edu
Mon Jan 24 16:44:10 EST 2011

Has anyone been able to use an external KML file and have it show up in GeoMoose?  I want to use the USGS monitoring stations and then have them be mapped on the web app.

I know I can create a shapefile from the stations but was hoping to have the points reflect the stages that the water levels are at.

If you have a map file and the corresponding entry for the mapbook, I would appreciate it.


Rick Moore
GIS Research Analyst
Water Resources Center
Minnesota State University Mankato
184 Trafton Science Center South
Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 389-3267 - Work
(507) 381-7398 - Mobile
richard.moore at mnsu.edu<mailto:richard.moore at mnsu.edu>

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