[Geomoose-users] KML Files

Brian Fischer bfischer at houstoneng.com
Mon Jan 24 21:34:38 EST 2011

GeoMOOSE doesn't support rendering KML layers on it's own, but you could use a MapServer layer type in GeoMOOSE to do this.  MapServer supports rendering KML files, see http://mapserver.org/input/vector/kml.html for more information.

Another way to do this would be to write your own javascript code to render the KML files on the client side.  OpenLayers currently support this.  This would probably be the more difficult route to go down.  http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/files/OpenLayers/Format/KML-js.html

Brian Fischer, CFM  GIS Manager
Houston Engineering, Inc.
Phone: Direct: 763-493-6664 / W: 763.493.4522 / M: 763.229.2734

From: Moore, Richard J [mailto:richard.moore at mnsu.edu]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 3:44 PM
To: geomoose-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Geomoose-users] KML Files

Has anyone been able to use an external KML file and have it show up in GeoMoose?  I want to use the USGS monitoring stations and then have them be mapped on the web app.

I know I can create a shapefile from the stations but was hoping to have the points reflect the stages that the water levels are at.

If you have a map file and the corresponding entry for the mapbook, I would appreciate it.


Rick Moore
GIS Research Analyst
Water Resources Center
Minnesota State University Mankato
184 Trafton Science Center South
Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 389-3267 - Work
(507) 381-7398 - Mobile
richard.moore at mnsu.edu<mailto:richard.moore at mnsu.edu>

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