[Geomoose-users] Feature Reports notes

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Tue Jun 2 09:02:21 PDT 2015


Good idea; we do need more user/implementer doc on Feature Reports. But 
first I'd like your opinion on a small structural change to the Feature 
Report service.

Currently the service is defined as:

     <service name="feature_report" display="false" keep-others="true">
         <input type="hidden" name="layers" value="lmic/fsa"/>
         <input type="hidden" name="src"/>
         <input type="hidden" name="PIN"/>

The inclusion of "PIN" identifier means that the service is specific to 
a particular layer with a key attribute named "PIN".  If I have 20 
layers I'd like to do Feature Reports on, I'd need 20 different services 
defined each with a different key name; possible but painful.

My solution is to not use the layer's key name, but use something 
generic like "GM_FID", then change line 67 in feature_report.php from:

urldecode($_REQUEST[*$qItem*]), $query_info->getAttribute('string')));


urldecode($_REQUEST[*'GM_FID'*]), $query_info->getAttribute('string')));

With those changes only one feature_report service needs to be defined 
(but you would still need separate identify and report templates for 
each layer, but that's ok).

To really get and understanding of the problem, pick two layers in our 
demo data-set and configure them to do Feature Reports (it will all 
become clear).

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 6/2/2015 8:35 AM, Dan Little wrote:
> Brent,
> Is there any chance you can create a summarized clarification in an 
> RST doc or a Google doc? I'm sorry, I don't follow every post to full 
> understanding so if you can get something I can get more suitable for 
> posting on the docs website then I'll do it!
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 7:02 PM Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com 
> <mailto:bfraser at geoanalytic.com>> wrote:
>     Ok, as it turns out it IS necessary to put the key name in the
>     service definition (so follow my instructions sent at 10:57
>     below).  For now.
>     I think the fix would be fairly simple:  change feature_report.php
>     to reference the "PID" parameter (maybe "FID" would be a better
>     name?).
>     Specifically, change line 67 from:
>     $layer->setFilter(str_replace('%qstring%',
>     urldecode($_REQUEST[$qItem]), $query_info->getAttribute('string')));
>     to
>     $layer->setFilter(str_replace('%qstring%', $_REQUEST['PID'],
>     $query_info->getAttribute('string')));
>     And an implementer would now specify:
>     <tr><td align="left"><b><a href =
>     "javascript:GeoMOOSE.startService('*feature_report*', {'*PID*':
>     '[BF_ID]', 'src' : 'Hydrography/Lakes'})">Report</a></b></td></tr>
>     (if the layer's unique key was named "BF_ID")
>     Best Regards,
>     Brent Fraser
>     On 6/1/2015 5:15 PM, Brent Fraser wrote:
>>     I need to correct the information is sent earlier.  The first
>>     part of the instructions below ("Edit the feature_report
>>     service...") is not necessary as the key field name is specified
>>     in the template ("<query item="), not the service definition.
>>     Best Regards,
>>     Brent Fraser
>>     On 6/1/2015 10:57 AM, Brent Fraser wrote:
>>     There doesn't seem to be a lot of documentation for the Feature
>>     Report service, so I made some notes:
>>     Feature Reports 
>>     Edit (or copy) the feature_report service in the mapbook to add
>>     the key field, for example:
>>        <service name="feature_report_Hydrography" display="false"
>>     keep-others="true">
>>     <url>php/feature_report.php</url>
>>     <input type="hidden" name="layers" value="Backgrounds/osm"/>
>>     <input type="hidden" name="src"/>
>>     <input type="hidden" name="BF_ID"/>
>>        </service>
>>     Add the metadata to the feature’s map file:
>>     'identify_record' 'BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_identify.html'
>>     'popups' 'BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_popups.html'
>>     'feature_report' 'BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_report.xml'
>>     END # of METADATA
>>     Edit the _identify template to add a link to generate and view
>>     the report.  For example my BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_identify.html
>>     template has:
>>     <tr><td align="left"><b><a href =
>>     "javascript:GeoMOOSE.startService('feature_report_Hydrography',
>>     {'BF_ID': '[BF_ID]', 'src' :
>>     'Hydrography/Lakes'})">Report</a></b></td></tr>
>>     Create the report xml file (in my case the file is named
>>     BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_report.xml) modifying the key name and the PDF
>>     report name:
>>        <query item="BF_ID" string="%qstring%"/>
>>        <!-- This is the template -->
>>        <template>BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_template.pdf</template>
>>     Create the report PDF file
>>     Copy the parcel_template.pdf to the name you entered in the
>>     report xml file, for example:
>>     copy parcel_template.pdf BF_HYDRO_POLYGON_template.pdf
>>     -- 
>>     Best Regards,
>>     Brent Fraser
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