[Geomoose-users] PHP/MAPSCRIPT IN UNIX

Dan Little theduckylittle at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 04:56:48 PST 2016

Let me try to explain then:

1. PHP/MapScript is a library MapServer publishes to allow the PHP
programming language to work with the MapServer API.  More info is
here: http://mapserver.org/mapscript/php/php_intro.html

2. GeoMoose 2.X series requires PHP mapscript for any of the 'buttons'
like Print and Identify to work.  Our scripts are dependent on it.
GeoMoose 3.X will be different but that's not going to be mature
enough for a little while for me to recommend it.

3. MS4W, presumably the package you used on windows, comes with
MapServer and PHP Mapscript.  That is why it "just worked."

So all of the install instructions you've posted are insufficient for
making the install work.

For ettiquette reasons please be advised of the following:
1. It is easier to follow your progress and problems if you keep your
messages as "replies" to the same "thread" you've already started.
2. It will be easier for us to help you if you answer questions we've
asked you already, including:
 - What Linux distribution are you running?

  Answering questions that experienced users *and the primary
developer of GeoMoose* have asked you can aid them in making your
experience a successful one.

On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 12:40 AM, Janet Maina <madamjanet92 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried to follow the
> documentation''http://docs.geomoose.org/master/docs/install_unix.html" and
> adjusted my code but am unable to install
> php/mapscript
> mapserver runs well but i don't understand the concept of mapscript and no
> clear explanation in mapserver documentation
> ===============my code===========
> mkdir buid
> cd build
> wget http://download.osgeo.org/mapserver/mapserver-7.0.3.tar.gz
> tar -xf mapserver-7.0.3.tar.gz
> cd mapserver-7.0.3
> ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-gif=no --with-fastcgi=no --with-proj
> --with-gdal --with-ogr --with-postgis=/usr/bin/pg_config
> --with-wfs--with-wmsclient--with-wfsclient
> make
> make install
> =======================================
> my site "http://www.waterresources.co.ke/data/htdocs/geomoose.html"
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