[GeoNode-devel] Costumize metadata geonode editor

Eduardo Pascoal pascoal.egeo at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 09:32:35 PDT 2015

Thanks Ariel. ;)

2015-09-29 17:02 GMT+01:00 Ariel Nunez <ingenieroariel at gmail.com>:

> You just need to modify models.py and the editor will be updated
> automagically. Here is an example:
> https://github.com/GFDRR/geonode/commit/29b1a22f186b811b2bdf5014b18ea6bde120c95b
> The key is doing this *before* you load any data on the geonode, because
> the tables need to be created with different fields.
> -a
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Eduardo Pascoal <pascoal.egeo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Ariel Nunez,
>> thanks for your prompt answer but probably i didn't make myself clear..
>> That is an interesting point to do.  Fork geonode and create a INSPIRE
>> branch with the new metadata editor which for sure would be great for
>> geonode but my problem is beyond that.
>> My question it has to do with the begining of all this. How to costumize
>> geonode editor? How dificult is to do that? Geonode predict this kind of
>> costumization? What modifications should i consider?
>> 2015-09-29 16:14 GMT+01:00 Ariel Nunez <ingenieroariel at gmail.com>:
>>> When modifying the metadata schema, my approach has been to just fork
>>> GeoNode and keep the changes restricted to ONLY that change.
>>> The workflow would be:
>>> 1. Make sure you have a master branch in your repo that is an exact copy
>>> of GeoNode master.
>>> 2. Create a branch with your project name or called 'inspire' for
>>> example. Commit the metadata changes there.
>>> 3. If you installed via packages, replace the existing geonode with your
>>> version (careful with local_settings.py), clone it via git and then do pip
>>> install -e on the folder
>>> 4. When 2.4 is final, update your version of master with the latest from
>>> GeoNode master (exact copy).
>>> 5. Merge your master into your inspire branch.
>>> 6. Pull the changes from your server into the folder where you did the
>>> git clone and reload apache.
>>> It sounds a bit convoluted but has worked for me, metadata changes are
>>> not easy to do as external apps, contrib or extensions ...
>>> -a
>>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Eduardo Pascoal <
>>> pascoal.egeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> *Scenario:*
>>>> i have my own metadata profile based on ISO19139 and INSPIRE
>>>> implementation rules. I would like to understand how can i modify the
>>>> geonode metadata editor with extra fields according to my own metadata
>>>> profile.
>>>> *Question*
>>>> What is the best approach to do a metadata editor?  Should i edit base
>>>> app on contrib folder and update model.py? or create my own app that should
>>>> override base? What dependencies must i consider to do this?
>>>> Do you know any documentation about this subject that you suggest?
>>>> Any help would be great
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> --
>>>> Eduardo Pascoal
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>>>> geonode-devel mailing list
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>> --
>> Eduardo Pascoal


Eduardo Pascoal
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