[GeoNode-users] Is there a way to make queries on the map viewer?

Simone Dalmasso simone.dalmasso at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 23:06:18 PDT 2015

I don't think it's ever been implemented :(

2015-09-29 18:25 GMT+02:00 Melvin Ramos <melvin.ramos1991 at gmail.com>:

> Hi Simone,
> Indeed there is a query tool, but those are made against the attribute
> table of the layer (and assuming multiple layers as well). The thing is
> that in this case, relevant information is outside that table (some in the
> metadata and some in custom classes I created), but you can't query on it
> inside the map, so far I can query outside (I developed query filters using
> angular, like the ones already programmed). My question is that if that
> kind of querying has ever been implemented (and if so, how?) or even if it
> has been given a thought.
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> 2015-09-29 11:36 GMT-04:30 Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com>:
>> Hi Melvin,
>> there is a query tool in the map composer that you can use to filter a
>> layer based on it's field.
>> 2015-09-29 17:43 GMT+02:00 Melvin Ramos <melvin.ramos1991 at gmail.com>:
>>> Hello community,
>>> Is there a way to query inside the map viewer using the information
>>> (metadata or even custom classes) linked to a layer? For example, all the
>>> layers associated with a map belonging to an specific continent, or all the
>>> layers who have some specific feature. It is to my understanding that the
>>> map viewer is OpenLayers, does it support that kind of queries?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> --
>>> Melvin David Ramos Macías
>>> 07-41408
>>> Ingeniería de Computación
>>> Universidad Simón Bolívar
>>> Enviado con MailTrack
>>> <https://mailtrack.io/install?source=signature&lang=es&referral=melvin.ramos1991@gmail.com&idSignature=23>
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>> --
>> Simone
> --
> Melvin David Ramos Macías
> 07-41408
> Ingeniería de Computación
> Universidad Simón Bolívar

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