[GeoNode-users] A bug detected by me and others when zooming our project outcome maps

Everton Valiati Hemerly E.ValiatiHemerly at tudelft.nl
Mon May 9 03:51:18 PDT 2016

Hi Ariel,

Thank you to reply us. Yes, we do not need the Bing layers. We have enough even without it.

Best regards

Dr. Everton Valiati Hemerly, Researcher

TU Delft /Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Room 2.120, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft, The Netherlands
M  +31 (10) 619797325
E   e.valiatihemerly at tudelft.nl<mailto:e.valiatihemerly at tudelft.nl>
W  www.grs.citg.tudelft.nl
From: Ariel Nunez [ingenieroariel at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 12:45 PM
To: Simone Dalmasso
Cc: Everton Valiati Hemerly; Lorenzo Iannini - CITG; Erwin de Beus; geonode-users at lists.osgeo.org; Ramses Molijn - CITG
Subject: Re: [GeoNode-users] A bug detected by me and others when zooming our project outcome maps


Since the issue is cause by configuration of Bing as a sources in /etc/geonode/local_settings.py, it is possible to experience the problem even when upgrading to a latter version (if you use the settings from the older version and chose to keep it during the upgrade).

Do you need Bing layers? If not, you can solve the problem in two minutes by editing /etc/geonode/local_settings.py to remove the bing source and reload apache.


On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 5:41 AM, Simone Dalmasso <simone.dalmasso at gmail.com<redir.aspx?REF=ygLt0mwcUpvXo3PcSikDx_m9W6D5x5JvX-OTwmyS6mVIDhhD93fTCAFtYWlsdG86c2ltb25lLmRhbG1hc3NvQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ..>> wrote:
Hi, if the issue is the one due to the bing map issue than the solution is the one in the thread. Beware that eliminating bing from the sources only solves for new maps, but for existing maps you will have to issue the commands that you see in the thread.

2016-05-09 12:34 GMT+02:00 Everton Valiati Hemerly <E.ValiatiHemerly at tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=dYRkZhDu7v3V42thCchJlX7WQOgYYa1Ld_DDsNx3qmJIDhhD93fTCAFtYWlsdG86RS5WYWxpYXRpSGVtZXJseUB0dWRlbGZ0Lm5s>>:
Dear Simone,

Thank you for your response but unfortunately this is the feedback I got from our ITC manager about the Geonode issue: "This is exactly what I tried in February and it is installed on the system since. It doesn't solve the problem."

I hope you find soon the source of the problem. Thank you all for the help!


Dr. Everton Valiati Hemerly, Researcher

TU Delft /Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Room 2.120, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft, The Netherlands
M  +31 (10) 619797325
E   e.valiatihemerly at tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=dmwgiuczTyR41rgIgzOA3aUgfjR4TkI7qYnVJyvDTvtIDhhD93fTCAFtYWlsdG86ZS52YWxpYXRpaGVtZXJseUB0dWRlbGZ0Lm5s>
W  www.grs.citg.tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=TQkQSphBnG6AWfaesvB8Rw5y71vF76avNU3DL3zncDBIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmdycy5jaXRnLnR1ZGVsZnQubmw.>
From: Erwin de Beus
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 8:59 AM
To: Everton Valiati Hemerly
Cc: Ramses Molijn - CITG; Lorenzo Iannini - CITG
Subject: Re: [GeoNode-users] A bug detected by me and others when zooming our project outcome maps

Dear Everton,

I’m afraid you are running around in circles. Please have a look at our email conversation on March the 7th. This is exactly what I tried in February and it is installed on the system since. It doesn't solve the problem.

Best regards,

Op 6 mei 2016, om 20:13 heeft Everton Valiati Hemerly <E.ValiatiHemerly at tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=7CkypPKUDtpgpvBNMNOuEbgGOm4Tt4FrIa-8NoZzF9tIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9SHdwMTlLLU9LYVRIcGRIUFY1VWlsOHVjcGVmUUZ1alc3T3dPbHFmNlc2T20tVjM1ODNmVENBRnRZV2xzZEc4NlJTNVdZV3hwWVhScFNHVnRaWEpzZVVCMGRXUmxiR1owTG01cw..>> het volgende geschreven:

Dear Erwin,

I have forwarded your email do the Geonode developers group and I received the the response below from them. They say we should try: http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/geonode-users/2015-October/000850.html<redir.aspx?REF=yNroqRqYrlkElgr5NeiGAcUKVwKCq86jd9Q_8ftwD59IDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9VmpwRWxZbU41cWtUd3Rnd25FOE44TXFZRWJlbEduaGwxVUN5enRRT1VoZW0tVjM1ODNmVENBRm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwzZGxZbTFoYVd3dWRIVmtaV3htZEM1dWJDOXZkMkV2Y21Wa2FYSXVZWE53ZUQ5U1JVWTlSM05EWkhKNVdVYzNPSEZyY2pJMmIzYzRjbEpsTmxaUWNXdDZhSGRUV2psUFlUazJUMFpwVjJOQ2QwWnpTRkUzTWxoWVZFTkJSbTlrU0ZKM1QyazRkbUpIYkhwa1NFMTFZak5PYmxwWE9IVmlNMHB1VEROQ2NHTkhWbmxpVjBad1lrTTVibHBYT1hWaU1sSnNURmhXZWxwWVNucE1la2wzVFZSVmRGUXlUakJpTWtwc1kyazRkMDFFUVRST1ZFRjFZVWhTZEdKQkxpNC4.>
Please, could you see if it can help us? Many thanks again.


Dr. Everton Valiati Hemerly, Researcher

TU Delft /Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Room 2.120, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft, The Netherlands
M  +31 (10) 619797325
E   e.valiatihemerly at tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=FyIjHotfSXYCErpBbcpwML1Pic5-M9cZ2xHI0JMWMGNIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9R3RFT1k4eWJLaV81cWlsR0VzaXEwcmpkZi1nNC1pN29QakczZ0N2ZzB6dW0tVjM1ODNmVENBRnRZV2xzZEc4NlpTNTJZV3hwWVhScGFHVnRaWEpzZVVCMGRXUmxiR1owTG01cw..>
W  www.grs.citg.tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=O9x7-MW-ZnkZXmHkqdhvRqASH3BlbOOb9juTlMekuN9IDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9d3lqTG1IMmczZjR1b0hQaFZ2Z2ZsUjNfdnpnUllSVnBJMF9nTHNUakZTU20tVjM1ODNmVENBRm9kSFJ3T2k4dmQzZDNMbWR5Y3k1amFYUm5MblIxWkdWc1puUXVibXd2>
From: Simone Dalmasso [simone.dalmasso at gmail.com<redir.aspx?REF=97a8KrEZGRvfF43YaCu0h7Y9IBZ6b3E6s5B1CqrXRdFIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9aTB3WnBiS3JSYThkZDBSbmhkSW9TRGdVVWhvUTk3LXRNN3hicUgzM3g4aW0tVjM1ODNmVENBRnRZV2xzZEc4NmMybHRiMjVsTG1SaGJHMWhjM052UUdkdFlXbHNMbU52YlEuLg..>]
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 8:05 PM
To: Everton Valiati Hemerly
Cc: geonode-users at lists.osgeo.org<redir.aspx?REF=y4aY6-aql-_zueBjtv5zNB9u1CmT3d1a9hhtnzthuudIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9WHdSNGRuazhHeFlCMWc0bTd5QUJLY3dwVE1rSTJRZ1IwV3RmSFlTZDE4ZW0tVjM1ODNmVENBRnRZV2xzZEc4NloyVnZibTlrWlMxMWMyVnljMEJzYVhOMGN5NXZjMmRsYnk1dmNtYy4.>
Subject: Re: [GeoNode-users] A bug detected by me and others when zooming our project outcome maps

Hi this thread should help you to fix it http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/geonode-users/2015-October/000850.html<redir.aspx?REF=4Cac6CgVKlcOw4OjHHnENBRmRKMS3dPROY_c793zrONIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vVXJsQmxvY2tlZEVycm9yLmFzcHg.>

hope it helps

2016-05-06 17:28 GMT+02:00 Everton Valiati Hemerly <E.ValiatiHemerly at tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=4Cac6CgVKlcOw4OjHHnENBRmRKMS3dPROY_c793zrONIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vVXJsQmxvY2tlZEVycm9yLmFzcHg.>>:
Dear Geonode Developers,

I have created this map to help one to disseminate their project outcomes; please see it:


But I still have a important issue which comes from a bug detected by me and others when zooming maps.  As you can read below from my ITC supporter, "This is caused by an incompatibility with Google Maps and/or Bing maps and needs to be fixed by the developers of Geonode in an upcoming release. But at the moment there is no such thing."

So, I would like to ask you, is it true what he is saying? Should I wait for the next version?! I know You just released the 2.4.0 !

Thank you very much and We are looking forward to fix this issue very soon.

(Below the ITC tecnician response)

 Hi Everton,

We just had a look at the be-basic.grs.tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=4Cac6CgVKlcOw4OjHHnENBRmRKMS3dPROY_c793zrONIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vVXJsQmxvY2tlZEVycm9yLmFzcHg.> server and as far as I can tell  it is running geonode 2.4.0 + final patch. This is the latest release that is available from Geonode.org<redir.aspx?REF=4E4O--sVtCmUEkxQnQnV_EQIoj_icHjDpCD9qPMKgMxIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9N2NZMEkzMTJhSnE0Y1Zac0x5S1RMZml4OVplLWhkUFZ2NWF2RjF6T3hZS20tVjM1ODNmVENBRm9kSFJ3T2k4dloyVnZibTlrWlM1dmNtY3Y.>.

root at be-basic:~# dpkg -s geonode
Package: geonode
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: science
Installed-Size: 4370
Maintainer: Ariel Nunez <ingenieroariel at gmail.com><redir.aspx?REF=4Cac6CgVKlcOw4OjHHnENBRmRKMS3dPROY_c793zrONIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vVXJsQmxvY2tlZEVycm9yLmFzcHg.>
Architecture: all
Version: 2.4.0+thefinal0

Possibly, the confusion comes from a bug detected by Everton when zooming maps. This is caused by an incompatibility with Google Maps and/or Bing maps and needs to be fixed by the developers of Geonode in an upcoming release. But at the moment there is no such thing.

Best regards,

Best regards.

Dr. Everton Valiati Hemerly, Researcher

TU Delft /Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Room 2.120, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, Delft, The Netherlands
M  +31 (10) 619797325
E   e.valiatihemerly at tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=4Cac6CgVKlcOw4OjHHnENBRmRKMS3dPROY_c793zrONIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vVXJsQmxvY2tlZEVycm9yLmFzcHg.>
W  www.grs.citg.tudelft.nl<redir.aspx?REF=4Cac6CgVKlcOw4OjHHnENBRmRKMS3dPROY_c793zrONIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vVXJsQmxvY2tlZEVycm9yLmFzcHg.>

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geonode-users at lists.osgeo.org<redir.aspx?REF=4Cac6CgVKlcOw4OjHHnENBRmRKMS3dPROY_c793zrONIDhhD93fTCAFodHRwOi8vVXJsQmxvY2tlZEVycm9yLmFzcHg.>



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