[Geoprisma-dev] Move demo to new system, and having issues

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Jan 8 14:24:45 EST 2010

Hi all,

I move my Geoprisma demo to a new system and things are not working.
I'm wondering is this was because something changed in trunk? Because 
the only thing I can see that is different is the new server is on a new
Revision: 765 and the working one is on Revision: 761. Altought I may 
have missed some other config change when moving it.

login: test2/test to add a street

Two symptoms:
1) when I add a street, the attribute dialog is not populated with any 
2) if I commit the feature anyway I get the following request, response.



An error occurred: Couldn't create WKT from geometry of type LineString 
({u'type': u'LineString', u'coordinates': [[-10737947.375700001, 
3775653.8152183001], [-10738002.314813999, 3775759.5132964002]]}). Only 
Point, Line, Polygon are supported.
   File "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/featureserver-1.12/FeatureServer/Server.py", 
line 298, in cgiHandler
     format, content = service.dispatchRequest( params, path_info, host, 
post_data, request_method, accepts )
   File "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/featureserver-1.12/FeatureServer/Server.py", 
line 145, in dispatchRequest
     result = method(action)
line 138, in create
     values = ", 
".join(self.value_formats(feature)+["SetSRID('%s'::geometry, %s) " % 
(self.to_wkt(feature.geometry), self.srid)])
line 98, in to_wkt
     raise Exception("Couldn't create WKT from geometry of type %s (%s). 
Only Point, Line, Polygon are supported." % (geom['type'], geom))

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