[Geoprisma-users] Does Geoprisma proxy works with generic WMS client/server ?

Niccolo Rigacci niccolo at rigacci.org
Tue Jun 21 12:19:39 EDT 2011

Hi to all,

I'm moving my first steps with Geoprisma; my goal is to use the 
Geoprisma proxy to add ACL into a standard interaction between 
WMS client/server (e.g. QGIS/QGIS-Mapserver).

I managed to setup the proxy so it responds to a GetCapabilities 


>From the proxy I was expecting a different response upon the 
original WMS GetCapabilities: at least the OnlineResource should 
be changed, pointing to the proxy.php itself.

The GetCapabilities is passed unaltered instead.

Am I trying to force Geoprisma proxy beyond its intended use?

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy
Tel. ufficio: 055-0118525

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