[geos-devel] Possible bug in buffer operation

Manuel Prieto Villegas mprieto at dap.es
Tue Feb 17 05:19:01 EST 2004

Hi all,

I found a possible bug in the buffer operator implemented in GEOS. If you make a buffer to the following geometry

        361104.7302231759 4219479, 
        361104.7302231759 4219544.979270052, 
        361214.1875 4219544.979270052, 
        361214.1875 4219479, 
        361104.7302231759 4219479
        361167.18750000006 4219522, 
        361162.1875 4219506, 
        361176.1875 4219504, 
        361185.1875 4219511.000000001, 
        361178.1875 4219524, 
        361167.18750000006 4219522
        361147.1875 4219531, 
        361153.1875 4219517, 
        361167.18750000006 4219522, 
        361162.1875 4219536, 
        361147.1875 4219531

the resulting geometry will lost one of the islands. The same operation is performed correctly by the current release of JTS.

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