[geos-devel] GEOS 3.1

Charlie Savage cfis at savagexi.com
Thu Dec 20 18:45:35 EST 2007

> It may seem precipitate to talk about 3.1 when we've spend over a year 
> in 3.0.0rcX, but Ben's work on the JTS upgrade and PreparedGeometry are 
> ready to see the light of day, and it makes sense to put them into 
> trunk. Which implies that 3.0.x should go into a branch. 

And probably be
> released "officially". Discussion?

How much time will it take to merge Ben's work?  How significant are the 
changes?  How much time until they are "production" ready?

Depending on those answers, I could be fine with just merging Ben's 
changes in, stabilizing trunk, and then calling it 3.0.

Obviously in the general case branching off 3.0 would make sense.  But 
in this case, will anyone actually use that branch?  Will anyone 
maintain it (seems unlikely since there hasn't been resources to wrap it 
up an release it).  So maybe its not worth the bother.


> P
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