[geos-devel] swig/ruby: how do you access functionality like transform in geos::geom::util::GeometryTransformer?

Ramie Blatt rblatt at warmlyyours.com
Mon Jul 30 12:57:31 EDT 2007

Hi there,

First, thanks to Charlie Savage, and all the other GEOS developers, for the
great work, especially in making GEOS available through ruby. It's pretty
much the only robust geometry solution for ruby that I've found.

I'm using GEOS with the ruby SWIG bindings and have been happily working
with the GEOS code without a problem until recently when I needed to
translate and transform the coordinates of  polygons.

How do you access functionality like transform in
geos::geom::util::GeometryTransformer? This may be a bit of a newbie
question, but I've spent a long time digging through the swig stuff and the
docs and I just can't find it.

The development environment I'm using is an ubuntu 6.06 LTS linux vmware
virtual machine (i486-linux-gnu), ruby 1.8.4, rails 1.1.6, and built from
source using the geos-3.0.0rc2.tar.bz2 release compiling with gcc 4.0.3. The
tests in swig/ruby/test/ seem to work fine.

Ramie Blatt

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