[geos-devel] Weekly Report 8- Adding Voronoi Diagram to GEOS

vishal tiwari hi.vishal123 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 12:48:24 PDT 2013


My Week 8 report is as follows:
Week 8 Report<http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/Reports?action=edit&section=9><http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/Reports#Week8Report>

*1. Work Done:*

   - Resolved the linkage error that was coming before.
   - Tested the c-api wrapper for Voronoi Diagram and also added test cases
   for the same. Thus completing the part that was proposed in the GSoC

*2. Problems Faced:*

   - None.

*3. Work to be done in the coming weeks:*

   - I will be testing a little bit more and would work on cleaning the
   - As the proposed work is done, I would start on something new. I will
   work on the port for Conforming Delaunay Triangulation for which I will
   first figure out the classes and methods required for the port.

Repo link: https://github.com/vishaltiwari/libgeos/tree/capi_voronoi
wiki : http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/Reports#Week8Report

Vishal Tiwari
Computer Science and Engineering
Lab for Spatial Informatics
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