[GRASS5] BUGS list

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Sat Jan 6 20:00:24 EST 2001

I think a couple things on the BUGS list should be looked at, and maybe

optri lib for src/libes/geom is removed?  Is the BUG something of a moot
point then?

Note for clarity on large set of color rules and GRASS getting slow:
r.in.tiff "quantizes" color rules because the TIFF spec allows a color
range values the size of an unsigned small int, whereas GRASS only
allows 0-256 per band.  r.in.tiff can still produce ridiculously large
color rule sets for RGB tiffs.

d.rgb vs. i.composite:  I've had a few problems with both.  With a large
imagery group, i.composite never finished (after hours!).  On the same
data, d.rgb worked but produced junk in the NULL data areas to the east
and south of the image (okay on the north and west NULL data areas).

g.select.pg:  Should be fixed (as well as all *.pg modules regarding
this interface).

r.out.tiff:  Extension problem fixed.  Didn't see the NULL color problem
until just now.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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