[GRASS5] [bug #939] (grass) d.barscale ignores PROJ_UNITS

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Mar 4 15:11:00 EST 2002

Glynn Clements wrote:

> > Ideally, d.barscale should generate scale bars in a number of units,
> > which the user may specify.  That is, my map units may be meters, but
> > folks in the U.S. often want feet/yard/mile scales. 
> That was basically my line of thought. It shouldn't be too hard to
> implement; just select a different "scales" table.

d.barscale now has a "-f" switch to select feet/miles instead of

Also, the bug with the x/y coordinates from the "at=..." option being
swapped has been fixed, and "d.barscale -m" will now invoke
"d.barscale at=..." once you confirm placement (so the command will
appear in the output of d.save, and the scale won't vanish if the
monitor is resized).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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