[GRASS5] [bug #1895] (grass) d.pan: sets new region by raster grid resolution

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri May 23 08:23:37 EDT 2003

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1895

Subject: d.pan: sets new region by raster grid resolution

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 5.0.2

I don't know if this is an intended feature or a bug, but:

While working with a mapset that consists of fine scale vectors and points only, with the (unused) region resolution set to fairly coarse...

Next, zoom in on a feature.

d.pan will only reposition along the raster grid, not on the mouse click. (in my case this was a clicking around and nothing happens, until you get to the edge of the screen, when it would jump a lot)

clicking the middle mouse button for position shows this behaviour as well.

maybe the module shouldn't be so raster-centric? especially for 5.1 ..
If the resolution was greater than the region, d.pan might appear to 'fail' for no reason.

I was working in Lat/Lon, fwtw


	screen_y = (int) D_u_to_d_row (north);
	screen_x = (int) D_u_to_d_col (east);

	t = (window->north - north) / window->ns_res;
	north = window->north - (t+.5) * window->ns_res;

	t = (window->east - east) / window->ew_res;
	east = window->east - (t+.5) * window->ew_res;



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