[GRASS-dev] GUI toolkits

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
Mon May 29 04:40:51 EDT 2006

Sorry for the spam message. I send the e-mail again and I hope,
everything works now:

On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 07:12:35AM +0200, Stefan Paulick wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 28.05.2006, 18:59 +0200 schrieb Jachym Cepicky:
> > The way, QGIS is controled, completly differs from the way, GRASS is
> > controled. People (like me) like the way and will never use QGIS, because it is something strange.
> ? ... Oh, yes, Icons are made by the devil and do poison your brain. In
> the short term, you will end up asking your boss for M$ products! 

no, that is not the point. I like icons too. Trevor wrote it later in
this thread: Where QGIS is monolitic, GRASS is modular. To get it run on
not so good computer (or compile it) takes to much time.
> > 
> > I thing, GRASS should not be about nice and featurefull GUI. But it
> > should have "high-toned" GUI - something, which would do things
> > "the GRASS way", something, which would be fast, small (on diskspace
> > and on the screen). 
> I started programming with dip switches, shifting in assembler hex code.
> So PCs should never have a keyboard and MUST have output for 40x25 text
> display. You get the point? ;-)

No. Modularity. Qgis is slow and the new gui takes just too much space
on ny 800x600 screen. With GRASS it is possible to work on such screen.

> > 
> > Personally I thing, that the new gis.m is too "overstuffed", but as I
> > did nothing, I say nothing, but "thank you", Michael and Cedric, well
> > done!
> A good GUI is worth pure gold when making presentations to buyers and
> descition makers. Did you ever try to sell a command line tool? A GUI
> gives identity to grass. This is one of the reasons why Microsoft
> products sell much better than unix stuff.
I thought, GRASS GUI should be IMHO done the way, gis.m is done. When I
wrote "overstuffed", I just thing, that too many functions are done by
the gui, where command line is faster, but it is not possible to acess
the monitors from command line :-| . But I do not know, how to do it
better. If I would sell GRASS to anybody, I would offer him QGIS
(wingrass) at first place. But that is not the point IMO.

> > 
> > I do not want to be forsed to use QGIS, when I want to digitize my data,
> > I do not want to be forsed to use QGIS, when I want display my data. 
> agreed - does gis.m force someone to use it? 
> > I do want "just rectify" my new raster image and so on.
> > That's IMHO all, the "new" gui should be about (freedom?).
> > 
> > QGIS and GRASS are looking like Ubuntu and Debian these days to me.
> The masses do love Ubuntu; it does allows to use linux without creeping
> along a command line. I feel bad, but I love Ubunto too....
> Graphical interfaces ARE state of the art and DO help occasional user to
> stay tuned. Grass without full featured GUI is like delivering a BMW
> without gasoline and wooden tyres.
> /Stefan

If you say, that gis.m is full featured GUI (with WRT Tcl/Tk limitations
and Xdriver usage), then I would aggree with you. 

Sorry, I do not have BMW, but I feel, I would not aggree with your
sample. BWM without gasolin nad with wooden tyres is not useable. GRASS
is IMHO more like land rover with kerosene in his tank. 

I woul say, we do agree with each other, Stefan, but we are calling 
same things by other words. If you do not thing so, please tell me.
If Silke would be arround, maybe she would be able to tell you my opinion 
better, than me. 


Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
GPG: http://les-ejk.cz/gnupg_public_key/jachym_cepicky-gpg_public_key.asc
Mengendamm 16d
30177 Hannover
e-mail: cepicky at gdf-hannover.de
URL:    http://gdf-hannover.de
Tel.:   +49 511-39088507
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