[GRASS-dev] C replacement for d.vect.thematic

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Jan 2 17:45:32 EST 2008

On 02/01/08 22:22, Hamish wrote:
  > As for splitting d.vect.thematic into 3 d.vect.themearea/point/line
> modules, that should be decided based on the command line option
> interface. Do you mean cleaner to code or cleaner user interface?

User interface. Code shouldn't be much trouble...

> How much overlap is there in the module options? GUI tabs can help with
> complicated UIs a lot... (opt->gui_section)
> If they share very similar UIs but the code is all different they
> should be in one module compiled from multiple C functions+files...

d.thematic.symbol/d.thematic.ptln [-lnx] map=name data=string 
breaks=string[,string,...] colors=string[,string,...] [icon=string] 
[lstyle=string] [secondary_color=string] [size=value] 
[sizecolumn=string] [scale=value] [rotation=value] [layer=value] 
[where=sql_query] [render=string] [--verbose] [--quiet]

unique options with defaults in parentheses:

unique to points: icon(=circle), secondary_color(=black), rotation(=0)
unique to lines: lstyle(=full line) (supposing that this will be 
possible with a new display system in grass 7.x), render(=l) (irrelevant 
for points (I think) and probably no longer necessary with 7.x)

So looks like we can leave them as one module.

I'm not sure I like d.thematic.ptln as name as this is a bit cryptic, 
but d.thematic.pointline might be a bit long...


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