[GRASS-dev] R.terraflow on massive grids

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Tue Aug 16 03:15:28 EDT 2011

Doug_Newcomb at fws.gov wrote:

> Should the limit to memory be indicated in the gui?
> Would there be any benefit to other parts of GRASS in bumping up this 
> memory limit?  I can see the reason on 32 bit windows XP, but that is 
> starting to go away.

Arbitrary 32-bit limits should ideally be fixed, but it's a game of
Whac-a-Mole. The problem usually arises as a result of using "int"
instead of long, size_t, off_t, etc.

I've fixed the original issue and one other with r47665:

--- raster/r.terraflow/grass2str.h	(revision 47663)
+++ raster/r.terraflow/grass2str.h	(working copy)
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@
   /* close map files */
   Rast_close (infd);
-  G_debug(3, "nrows=%d   ncols=%d    stream_len()=%d", nrows, ncols,
+  G_debug(3, "nrows=%d   ncols=%d    stream_len()=%"PRI_OFF_T, nrows, ncols,
-  assert(nrows * ncols == str->stream_len());
+  assert((off_t) nrows * ncols == str->stream_len());
   stats->recordTime("reading raster map", rt);
This might cause problems on non-Linux platforms, but both r.terraflow
and LFS have always had portability issues.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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