[GRASS-dev] <gsoc2014> <grass metadata> <week 4>

Matej Krejci matejkrejci at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 10:14:45 PDT 2014

Hi all,

Below is my weekly report:

*<work done>*

   - adapted r.info.iso according to update of r.info
   - polished and commented code of v.info.iso and r.info.iso,
   - published alpha version of modules v.info.iso and r.info.iso to sandbox
   - presented on wiki page the future plan of implementation and GUI
   design of metadata editor.

*<work to be done in the next week>*
For 18 of Jun I have to study thoroughly for bachelor exam (proposed in
timeline). We came up with a plan for next week:

   - to start the implementation of GUI editor:
      -  implementation of gui editor version 1.0: to implement main window
      and layout
   - to publish modules v.info.iso and r.info.iso to GRASS addons


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