[STATSGRASS] Scripting R from outside of GRASS

Thomas Adams Thomas.Adams at noaa.gov
Mon Jan 24 18:04:40 EST 2005


Attached is a bash shell script that:

(1) sets some environment variables
(2) reads some command line arguments
(3) does a GRASS r.mapcalc calculation
(4) and loops through a list of county FIPS codes (for GRASS raster masks)
(5) runs a batch R script (which just gets some summary stats)

Hope this helps.


William Hudspeth wrote:

>I am building an online GIS application using Minnesota MapServer that
>references GRASS rasters in the map file. I have successfully displayed
>GRASS rasters, and used python to script processing of GRASS raster
>layers. I would also like to script the statistical analysis and display
>of graphs using R, but am having trouble figuring out how to run R on my
>GRASS location from outside of GRASS. I can't run R in the same script
>that I use to process GRASS rasters. Can anyone help to guide me in how
>I go about doing this. My current work flow is something like this:
>python_script_file.py --> calls script.sh file to load a GRASS location
>and process rasters
>python_script_file.py  --> call another script.sh file to generate some
>summary statistics and generate PNG graphs on the same GRASS location
>Any help greatly appreciated.
>Thanks, Bill
>statsgrass mailing list
>statsgrass at grass.itc.it

Thomas E Adams
National Weather Service
Ohio River Forecast Center
1901 South State Route 134
Wilmington, OH 45177

EMAIL:	thomas.adams at noaa.gov

VOICE:	937-383-0528
FAX:	937-383-0033

-------------- next part --------------

# *************       ffg.xmrg.compare            *************

# Set GRASS Environment Variables

echo "MAPSET: $MAPSET"			>> $HOME/.grassrc5
echo "DIGITIZER: none"			>> $HOME/.grassrc5
echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE"		>> $HOME/.grassrc5
echo "GRASS_GUI: text"			>> $HOME/.grassrc5

export GISBASE=/grass/grass5sources/grass53_exp_2004_04_24/dist.i686-pc-linux-gnu
export GISRC=$HOME/.grassrc5
export PATH=$PATH:$GISBASE/bin:$PATH:$GISBASE/scripts

# Script to calculate the difference between 1-hr FFG & 1-hr
# XMRG grids by County (FIPS code) using GRASS & R:
# 	diff = XMRG - factor*FFG
#  where, factor scales the FFG to some threshold; default is factor = 1.0
#  Output consists of an ASCII text file summarizing the gridded
#  differences by county FIPS code.
# The 'counties' variable is the full path name of the file 
# containing the list of county FIPS codes
# Script converts the xmrg & ffg files to an Lambert Conformal Conic 
# Projection grid. An intermediate projection to a Lat/Long
# projection is necessary. The data is read into GRASS initially
# as a sites file
	today=$(date +%Y%m%d)
	echo "=========  Calculate precipitation excess grid =  $xmrg - $factor * $ffg  ==========="
	# Initialize the summary statistics files
	#cp /dev/null ffg.summary.$xmrg
	cp /dev/null ffg.summary
	# Remove any mask that may be set
	g.remove rast=MASK
	# Import the CPC data into GRASS
	r.mapcalc precip.excess.$xmrg=$xmrg-$factor*$ffg

	echo "=========  Begin processing for each Forecast Group ==========="

for county in $(<$counties); do

	echo "==========  Set mask for County $county =========="
	g.remove rast=MASK
	g.copy rast=$county,MASK
	export R_COUNTY_ID=$county
	export R_YEAR=$today
	export R_INMAP=precip.excess.$xmrg
	R CMD BATCH R.ffg.batch

	echo "=========  Completed for county $county  ========="

	# Cleanup -- Remove temporary GRASS files


mv ffg.summary $xmrg.ffg.summary

echo "==========  All counties completed  =========="

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