[STATSGRASS] R, GRASS, and CYGWIN under version GRASS54

Redding, Matthew Matthew.Redding at dpi.qld.gov.au
Tue Mar 8 16:54:23 EST 2005

Hi GRASS and R Gurus, 

I sent an email on this subject prior to confirming my subscription to the group, so I hope no-one recieves this message twice.

I have had a look through the archive to see if GRASS54 will work under cygwin with R2.0.
I notice that some people are using GRASS 54 with R, but the most recent mention of 
using it with cygwin was back in 2002, and all the advice I have been able to find does not seem to work.

Will it actually work with my setup of R 2, GRASS 54 and cygwin?

Where should I look for info on how to get it all running?

The help material in R indicates a few suggestions, that do not seem to work for me.

For example, one of my problems is that I cannot find any file called .grassrc5
or anything much like it, as mentioned in the 
?grass.connect() documentation under R.

Any suggestions on how to get it working?


Matt Redding 

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