[STATSGRASS] R, GRASS, and CYGWIN under version GRASS54

Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
Wed Mar 9 02:27:34 EST 2005

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Redding, Matthew wrote:

> Hi GRASS and R Gurus, 
> I sent an email on this subject prior to confirming my subscription to the group, so I hope no-one recieves this message twice.
> I have had a look through the archive to see if GRASS54 will work under cygwin with R2.0.
> I notice that some people are using GRASS 54 with R, but the most recent mention of 
> using it with cygwin was back in 2002, and all the advice I have been able to find does not seem to work.
> Will it actually work with my setup of R 2, GRASS 54 and cygwin?
> Where should I look for info on how to get it all running?
> The help material in R indicates a few suggestions, that do not seem to
> work for me.
> For example, one of my problems is that I cannot find any file called
> .grassrc5 or anything much like it, as mentioned in the ?grass.connect()
> documentation under R.

Please try the following (based on the guess that the advice should have 
said look for .grassrc5* - in 5.4 it is probably .grassrc54). From the 
cygwin terminal prompt, start GRASS in text mode. Once you've chosen your 
location and mapset, you get to the GRASS prompt. Try again to find your 
.grassrc5* in your home directory (cat ~/.grassrc5*). If it is there, 
start R (either GUI or terminal), and library(GRASS), then 
set.cygwinstring(), or other routes to getting the cygwin prefix right.

I think your difficulty has been looking for .grassrc5 not .grassrc5* - 
please let the list know if this helps. The general setup should work, 
from reports from other users, you just need to get the specific naming 
magic right for the cygwin prefix for the GISDBASE, I hope.


> Any suggestions on how to get it working?
> Thanks, 
> Matt Redding 
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Breiviksveien 40, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 93 93
e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no

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