
Nancy Greeley ngreeley at hanover-crrel.army.mil
Tue Feb 2 17:02:06 EST 1993

I have imported into 
GRASS a sites file that has eastings, northings, and an elevation value.
After running s.in.ascii there is also a pipe between each of these.
I would like to have a pound sign, "#", before the elevation value as well
(for use with s.menu option 6-convert site map to raster map where each
#n is a category value).

Is there any way to add the # sign (some way that is not docmented or that
I have missed) while running s.in.ascii?
Is it possible to do it in the s.menu option 5-edit function?

I am not an awk or sed user, although I am now sitting down with the 
books and beginning...

Thank you for your help


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