
Daniel Rodriguez danr at rsgis3.tamu.edu
Tue Feb 9 23:06:40 EST 1993

Subject problem:
		Recently we send an e-mail message out concerning s.surf.tps.
We did receive some help on the problem and was suggested to get the following 
	 all the files in directory

and file:


and make the following change for the file "make.mid"
in the grass/grass4.0/updates/src/CMD/generic directory

INCLUDE_DIR = $(SRC)/include
BITMAPLIB    = $(LIBDIR)/libbitmap.a`

We complied again as sugguested and an error happen. 
root at rsgis3> /usr/local/bin/gmake4.0
  SRC     = /usr6/local3/grass4/grass4/src
  CMD     = /usr6/local3/grass4/grass4/src/CMD
  HEADER  = sun4
  ARCH    = sun4
  GISBASE = /usr6/local3/grass4/sun4
  VERSION = 4.0 Summer 1991
  make -f OBJ.sun4/make.rules 

cc -s OBJ.sun4/main.o OBJ.sun4/data.o OBJ.sun4/quad.o OBJ.sun4/user1.o OBJ.sun4/user2.o OBJ.sun4/user3.o OBJ.sun4/user4.o  /usr6/local3/grass4/grass4/src/libes/LIB.sun4/libbitmap.a  /usr6/local3/grass4/grass4/src/libes/LIB.sun4/libgis.a -lm
ld: Undefined symbol 
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: 
Command failed for target `/usr6/local3/grass4/sun4/etc/bin/alpha/cmd/s.surf.tps'

	It complied ok for a while but failed when it could not defined the symbols in the linkm.h
	Any help would be appreciated from us.
							Thank you,
						     Daniel H. Rodriguez
						     Texas A&M University 


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