dlg3 standard to optional converter

stafford at sfrankli.oh.nrcs.usda.gov stafford at sfrankli.oh.nrcs.usda.gov
Thu Jul 11 08:00:00 EDT 1996

About 6 or 7 months ago I put a program s2o.c on the moon at
incoming that would convert dlg3 standard format files to
dlg3 optional format files so that they could be read by
GRASS v.import or v.in.dlg commands.  An update of this
program has been placed on the moon today that removes a
considerable number of bugs in the original version.

If you are interested here are a few details:

1. This program converts ascii dlg3 standard format files to
ascii dlg3 optional format files.  It is a stand alone c
program that runs within or without the GRASS environment.

2. The source code has been placed on the moon in compressed
format under "incoming" subdirectory, with the name of
"s2o.c.Z".  To use the program you need a c compiler and the
following steps:
         A. Uncompress the file.
         B. Compile the program thusly,
            cc s2o.c -lm -o s2o
            (This compile line is repeated in comments in
first several lines of source code.)
         C. Run the program to get help thusly,
            s2o help
         D. Use the GRASS commands v.import or v.in.dlg
after a data file has been converted from standard to
optional format by use of s2o.

Jim Stafford
jim.stafford at oh.nrcs.usda.gov

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