v.support and DLG format

charnotw charnotw at helios.aston.ac.uk
Thu Jul 11 08:00:00 EDT 1996

I don't know if this is the answer to your problem
but I traced a segmentation fault in our v.support
to an 'fseek' statement on a non-existent file deep
in the source code.  The simple fix is to put
an empty file of the same name as the vector into
the dig_plus directory of your mapset database.

Try it, but as I say this is not necessarily causing
the segmentation on your system

On our system the fault only occurs with level 1 
vectors (that is vector without topology ie without a 
dig_plus file) any operation that produces level 
1 vectors will cause this fault when v.support is 
run (ie r.line, r.poly v.in.ascii etc).
Any operation that produces level 2 vectors (esp. 
v.digit) will not produce this fault with v.support.

cheers  Tom

Tom Charnock                       O--O
Dept Civil Engineering            (~~~~)
Aston University                 (  __  )
Birmingham B4 7ET UK             /|\  /|\
charnotw at sun.aston.ac.uk

> Dear Grass Users,
> I have imported in GRASS a vector file in DLG format from ARC/INFO, I 
> have create a directory called DLG in my mapset, I ran v.in.dlg and 
> d.vect without troubles but when I ran v.support I got the following 
> message:
> Segmentation fault-core dumped!
> Does anybody know the solution or the reason?
> How could I resolve this problem with v.support?
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Best regards
> Dr Pierpaolo Saccon
> Joanneum Research
> Institute of Hydrogeology
> and Geothermic
> saccon at pbox.joanneum.ac.at

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