Large plots on HP DesignJet 650c

Schmidt avenues at
Tue Nov 19 00:35:00 EST 1996

At 04:48 PM 11/18/96 +0100, you wrote:
>Although I can print GRASS images  on my hp 650c, I am not able to 
>produce large complex plots. When the PS file is bigger then about 7 
>megs, my plotter gives an out of memory message, and does not produce 
>any output at all. A solution that might solve the problem is by 
>using ghostscript. However, a sample plot produced by ghostscript only came 
>out partly correct. After a few proper looking inches, the plotter 
>produced garbage. I am quite sure that the binary file was not 
>converted to ascii or something like that,  so I suppose I have 
>configured ghostscript wrongly. Can someone give me a clue on how to 
>convert a postscript file to DesignJet HPGL?
>Ronald Wiemer
>R.O.B. / Archis
>Kerkstraat 1
>NL 3811 CV Amersfoort
>The Netherlands
>Tel: ++ 31 33 4634233
>Fax: ++ 31 33 4653235

I use ghostscript to convert postscript files to RTL format for the
Designjet using the following command line:

gs -sDEVICE=dnj650c -sPAPERSIZE=archE -sOUTPUTFILE=filename.rtl

where archE is 34"x48". Many other papersizes can be specified.

I've successfully plotted 100MB postscript files using ghostscript on a 650c
plotter with only 4MB of memory. 

Jim Schmidt
avenues at

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