r.in.arctiff available!

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Thu Aug 27 13:50:03 EDT 1998

Dear GRASS community,

 now r.in.arctiff script is available. It allows to import
 TIFF files (from ARC/INFO as well as other systems) in conjunction
 with a corresponding .tfw file, which contains coordinate and
 resolution information. The support file (which has to be created
 usually through r.support) is created automatically using the 
 coordinate and res. parameters from the .tfw file.
 Find the GRASS script on my homepage:


 If you agree (maybe after improving parts of the code, which are 
 not elegant due to my limited programming knowledge :)  ),
 I will put it into forthcoming GRASS 4.2.1 (v.19) distribution.

 Best regards

    Markus Neteler

Geographisches Institut           |            Institute of Geography
   Physische Geographie                          Physical Geography 
 & Landschaftsoekologie                        & Landscape Ecology
Universitaet Hannover                 University of Hannover, Germany
                     neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de

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