[GRASSLIST:2666] v.surf.rst

Arne Pallentin arne at waikato.ac.nz
Sun Nov 18 01:42:35 EST 2001

Hi all,

I am working my way through the use of v.surf.rst, but I ran into some major
(at least for me) problems. My data, contours, is imported from ArcInfo via
.e00. As there is multiple files for one imported file in /dig_catts, I set a
link with the name of the vector map pointing to the file with the altitude of
each contour. If I run v.surf.rst with default setting, a surface is
calculated, but all values are completely out of range. Having altitudes of
400-1000m in the area, the resulting dem has values from 10000 to 35000, and
the data is inverse (highs are now low). So, is this caused by wrong setting
(tension, smoothing, etc.), or am I doing something wrong with the input data,
so for example I have to use a different file containing the contour labels?? I
have the feeling I mix something terribly up, but maybe someone could point me
into the right direction...



P.S.: I tried the option category data is used instead of attribute data for
elevation, but I did not get any raster file out of that at all. The module
works for a while and finishes without error, not writing a raster file...
Arne Pallentin
Dept. of Earth Sciences - UoW
New Zealand
E-Mail: Arne Pallentin <arne at waikato.ac.nz>
Date: Thu, 18-Nov-2001 12:00:00 +0000 (GMT)
Time: 19:28:14

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