[GRASSLIST:1518] Re: specify region for e00 file

Michel Wurtz mjwurtz at wanadoo.fr
Fri Oct 17 16:14:34 EDT 2003

chris maden wrote:
> When I use m.in.e00 to read in an ESRI_e00 file I get the message 
> "region not specified use g.region".
> The projection, coordinate system are provided in the metadata.
> How do I find out the North,East,South and West edge of the e00 file?

m.in.e00 will do this for you.  The message you get means that you haven't
set any region at all.  This is strange, and may means that the location
is not correctly initialised...

You can try to use g.region before unsing m.in.e00 and put anything you want.
It doesn't matter. Then use m.in.e00 just with the file name.  It should work.
But after that, you have to use "g.region rast=xxx" or "g.region vect=xxx",
depending on the type of the xxx.e00 you imported (grid or arc data),
followed by d.erase, so you can see your data with d.rast or d.vect.

Michel Wurtz - Auzeville-Tolosane

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