[GRASSLIST:1173] Papers on hydrogeological applications in GRASS GIS?

Antonio G. - Geotronix nightnavigator at libero.it
Wed Sep 10 11:19:34 EDT 2003

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I've finaly constructed my DEM under GRASS and now I'm looking for an
application theme to hydrogeological problems using GRASS for my degree
Besides the DEM I also have rainfall and temperature data of 5 climatic
stations over a 150 km2 area. I also have the 12 month discharge data of
50 springs besides tmeperature, pH, & conductivity data.
I've being reading some documentation but haven't found much on
hydrological problems concerning the application of Grass Gis
tecnologies in solving hydrogeological problems.
For example. I was thinking of resolving the water balance equation with
grass. Well,.... at least I wanted to try to see what are the technical
problems envolved in such a matter.
I understand that every term of the water balance equation is a problem
on it's own and even this could be a solution to study for my thesis.
I could:
a) try to compute evaporation;
b) compute runoff water &/or infiltration;
c) ground water discharge but this is a difficult problem to solve in a
mountainous region like mine. I would have to compute it indirectly from
the P, E & R parameters.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? And most of all does anyone have
some links to online documentation? I ran through the bibliografic
database of online grass pubblications but didn't find much specific. 

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