[GRASSLIST:2991] Re: NViz: command not found

Richard Greenwood rich at greenwoodmap.com
Fri Mar 19 14:43:40 EST 2004

Paul Kelly wrote:
> Hello Richard
> On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Richard Greenwood wrote:
>>I have ftp'd a complete Cygwin 5.0.3 binary distribution to
>>grass.itc.it/incoming which includes a working Nviz, fftw, and PNG
>>driver. If you could replace the current files with these then I think
>>it will make things easier for new Cygwin users.
> Not to disparage your efforts but especially in light of Markus' recent
> e-mail I feel we should not be promoting 5.0.x any more and a 5.3 binary
> distribution would be much more useful and beneficial. I am only saying
> this because I recall you said you have produced such a distribution.
> There really is no point in pushing 5.0 any longer IMHO.
> Paul

I agree, but the official 5.0.3 Cygwin distribution included a 
non-functional Nviz and thanks to Glynn, we have a functional one. So it 
seems fair to include it.

Regarding 5.3, I do have a good recent Cygwin binary distribution at 
greenwoodmap.com/grass and whenever Markus begins distributing 5.3 
binaries from grass.itc.it then I hope he will copy it there. (I am not 
trying to become a Grass mirror or distribution point, it's just easy 
for me to put things on my site).

Regarding 5.7 on Cygwin, neither Nviz or v.digit are currently working. 
I haven't tested it much. But I do have a binary distribution at 

Regarding promoting the use of 5.3, I think distributing binaries would 
be a good first step. The web statistics that Markus sited earlier this 
week did not include any 5.3 binary downloads because none are available 
from http://grass.itc.it/download.html :)

Best regards,
Richard Greenwood

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