[GRASSLIST:9050] Re: ArcView vs GRASS

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 05:32:08 EST 2005

On 11/12/05, Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
>    I over-simplified my brief answer. GRASS is -- or could be -- a valuable
> business tool once it was developed with a modern UI. I'm not starting a
> flame war here, and I will not respond to more posts defending why it's still
> the way it was 20+ years ago. I went through that years ago and no longer
> really care.

>    GRASS should be the same way. A user should have the power of the command
> line available, but have an easy-to-learn GUI front end. Then it will be as
> suitable to the business/commercial market as it is to governments,
> academicians, and reseachers who are not under time pressure to produce
> results. Because GRASS is available under the GPL, any of us are able to
> create the tool we need.

I am quite upset to see that you are trying to convince other users that
GRASS does not have modern and easy to use GUI.
Can you give any examples where ArcView is easier to use than QGIS/GRASS?
That would be constructive and and we could work in that direction
but repeating still that GRASS's GUI is like it was 20 years ago is
simply nonsens.

I don't want to here any general reasoning, tell me few basic tasks
which cannot
be done in easy way in QGIS/GRASS with respect to ArcView.

You have not seen that or it is not enough easy to use for you?:


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