[GRASSLIST:10175] new user...

José Miguel Delgado jmmd at mega.ist.utl.pt
Mon Feb 6 18:59:52 EST 2006

Good evening,
I am not sure if this is the correct place to this question, if not 
please redirect me to somewhere else.

I have downloaded grass 6.1 cvs recently and am now trying to import a 
.hgt file. I need to work with it for a hydrological model.
After some attempts I could not visualize with NVIZ or even in the 
initial monitor. The file appears as a big green square.

I chose wgs84 datum and wgs84 ellipsoid.

Am I doing anything wrong?

Than you for the help,

zé miguel
José Miguel Delgado
jmmd at mega.ist.utl.pt
+351 96 640 72 09
+46 73 573 23 89

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