[GRASSLIST:10016] Re: Filling with flood

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Thu Jan 26 07:45:43 EST 2006

On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 02:22:19PM +0200, M?ris Narti?s wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) as it is my first piece of C code, could somebody look on it. Any
> suggestions = welcome;
> 2) specifying seed as x,y pair is in my planed feature list. Still
> possibility to use raster map as seed is important, cuz seed must be
> at least one cell with value>0, so it can be already existing lake
> map, also output from previous module runs. It is possible to create
> cool anime with water level falling :)
> 3) next week I will have to present this module at local conference[1]
> and I will need some cool presentation stuff. Thanks for idea about
> flooding city in 3D. If I will manage to create such anime, I will
> give it for putting on GRASS site.

You can flood Trento:
below the screenshot you'll find the link to download the data.

- get their SHAPE file of buildings (2D footprints)
- run v.to.rast to make 3D flat buildings "DEM" from that
- add to real DEM with r.mapcalc (use SRTM tile) or leave it flat
- there is the Adige river going through the city
- use VMAP0 river map to use river as seed
- use r.carve to carve river into DEM
- r.lake to flood the city :-)

If you flood more than 300m above DEM, the water will nicely
flow into the next valley versus Venice, otherwise you'll
flood Verona.

I can give you the SRTM tile and VMAP0 river map offlist, if

> 4) before adding this module to CVS, I want to i) add blue gradient to
> output map (see commented code at end of module source); ii) add
> ability to set seed as x,y. As now seems that ice age is over, I will
> be able to work at home to add those features (last week air
> temperature at my room was about +10C, cuz outside temperature was
> below -30C).


> tnx for ideas, interest,
> Maris.
> [1] http://www.lu.lv/petnieciba/konferences/lu64/ (in Latvian) ~=
> "University of Latvia 64. scientific conference"

Good luck!


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