[GRASS-user] cs2cs question

gary lists at lazygranch.com
Mon Jun 12 03:26:42 EDT 2006

the cs2cs program command line example is:

cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=NAD83 +to +init=epsg:2146 -r << EOF
? 45d30'0"N 76d0'0"W
? 45d15'0"N 75d30'0"W
343875.12       5040130.27 0.00
383295.32       5012713.16 0.00

Now I want to convert from latlong to UTM. However, I can't find the 
"init" parameter in the cs2cs documention. [Oh, I'm sure it's pilot 
error, but I did read "Cartographic Projection Procedures for the UNIX
Environment—A User’s Manual" )

The UTM will be in zone 11.
38.16922 -116.84495
36.35138 -115.84293

Could someone provide a bit of guidance here? The correct command line 
and some explanation of where the parameter come from would be great.

I have the latlong coordinates needed to do the conversion. I'm assuming 
the EOF is just a control-D.

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