[GRASS-user] v.in.lines not working in Python script

Andrés Silva andres.silva.m at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 04:05:08 PST 2012

I get the following error when I use v.in.lines in a Python Script in
Windows (sorry):

"*C:\Program Files\GRASS 6.4.2\scripts\v.in.lines: 126: v.in.mapgen:
command not found*"

My script It's quite simple:

*import grass.script as g*
*g.run_command('v.in.lines', input='points.txt', output='contour')
And my point.txt file:


Others commands work find (like v.in.ascii)... and v.in.mapgen is in the

Any idea?

*Andrés Silva Marambio*
Ingeniero Agrónomo, Mención en Gestión Ambiental
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
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