[winGRASS] WinGRASS 6.0 tutorial

John Robertson jr1 at jrshelby.com
Fri Apr 1 19:02:49 EST 2005

I have resolved that WinGRASS 6.0 will do my bidding (eventually!).

I am of the school who resolves to do a thing, and thereafter can look upon 
each failure as a step closer to success.

I've picked the lock for installing WinGRASS 6.0 and the Spearfish57 data, 
as I have reported on my "journal" website at
on which I have added 3 "sessions" in which I pretty much go trial and 
error to see what works.

I've read a lot about "tutorials" and I've not been able to find any that 
seem to fit WinGRASS 6.0 very well.  The closest I have come to finding 
anything helpful is that for GRASS 5.0 translated from Italian

I decided to try my hand at adapting this tutorial for WinGRASS 6.0 and the 
beginnings may be seen at

So far, it only has the intro and a couple of exercises.

Is this an o.k. thing to do?

Does anyone have objections?

Should I remove the GRASS logo from the site?

If no one says this is a no-no, I will likely persist in adapting it as I 
work my way thru it.  Pretty much a case of the student writing the lesson 
plan!  If any other WinGRASS newbies would like to go along on this trek, 
they are welcome.

It is my guess that there have been few if any total newbies (no Linux/UNIX 
or GRASS experience) who have grabbed this thing and run with it without 
the benefit of formal training sessions.  Am  I  wrong about that?

John Robertson

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