[winGRASS] Re: m.proj s.in.ascii s.to.rast

John Robertson jr1 at jrshelby.com
Fri Apr 15 13:34:40 EDT 2005

In the FWIW department, as a "green as grass" newcomer, I have been 
attempting to revise a 5.0 tutorial for GRASS into what I wish were 
available for WinGRASS 6.0 (as I figure it out) with no emphasis on speed 
in doing so.

Not finding a cross-reference between Bash commands and GUI(Display 
Manager) menu selections, I have attempted to make such.  You'll find it here:

This may or not be of usefulness to others, but the process of doing it 
gave me some perspective on the relationship between the Bash and the 
GUI.  For one thing, it makes obvious those things which *cannot* be done 
in the GUI(D.Mgr.).

What is missing in this exercise is a 3rd sorting by
1) description, with wording rearranged in "index" order, and/or by
2) function
which might well be of more usefulness to a newcomer than those provided.

I found an example "by function" here:
and attempted to update it to 6.0 but found that so many of the commands no 
longer existed in the form given that it was not something a newbie should 
undertake.  I suspect that if a similar sorting were made for 6.0, the 
categories would not be identical to those for 5.0.

But the most useful of the lot, if it were available, might be 1), above, 
if done by someone truly familiar with GRASS (which won't be me for a 
*long* time!).  Some items might require multiple listings with variants in 
wording.  Such would serve as a real index of which command to go to 
perform any GRASS capability.

I am willing to do the grunt work for making such a listing, but only if 
someone truly conversant with GRASS is willing to critique the results and 
tell me what changes/additions are needed to make it right.

John Robertson

At 06:01 AM 4/15/2005, you wrote:

>Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 10:44:16 -0500
>To: wingrass at grass.itc.it
>From: Martin du Saire <mdusaire at umn.edu>
>Subject: [winGRASS] m.proj s.in.ascii s.to.rast
>I just installed GRASS6.0, the installation was a lot easier than
>installing 5.0 a year ago.
>What happened to m.proj, s.in.ascii, and s.to.rast?
>Last time I worked with GRASS (Feb 2004), I was trying to calculated the
>landcover statistics in a 500km radius around a research site based on the
>NLCD from USGS:
>a)  I used m.proj2 to convert my site locations to the projection
>corresponding to the landcover data I was using.
>b)  defined the site with s.in.ascii, and converted it to a raster using
>c)  created the buffer zone using r.buffer
>d)  patched the landcover map in the buffer zone with r.patch -z
>e)  calculated statistics with r.stat -c
>I gather these commands no longer exist. In that case I need some help
>figuring out how to do this in 6.0.

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