[winGRASS] Installing with WinGRASS cd

John Robertson jr1 at jrshelby.com
Thu Apr 21 18:28:11 EDT 2005

I have added my how-I-was-able-to-do-it for installing GRASS 6.1 (but *not* 
using the WinGRASS cd, to my "WinGRASS for the GREEN"
site at

I found that, if when selecting packages to be included in the cd, if I 
*de-selected* GRASS 6.1 and *selected* GRASS 6.0, the program would not 
run, but would give an error message about a missing *6.1* .dll (I was 
trying to install 6.0, not 6.1).  I tried this twice; same results each time.

So, I did a full un-install, then re-installed using the same cd, but this 
time went with the default GRASS 6.1 cvs, it installed without a problem.

It may be possible to install *both* 6.0 and 6.1 since 6.1 is a "concurrent 
version", but that is a level of complexity I am not yet ready for, so I 
did not attempt it.

It *is* possible to install GRASS 6.0 using the methods described in "How 
to install Cygwin and GRASS GIS using Huidae Cho site"
but for now, I am running 6.1cvs, and at the elementary level I am using 
it, it will make little difference.

FWIW, there are now 3 versions of the cross-referenced (Bash/GUI) GRASS 
help file at
These are:
1.  Bash order
2.  Display Mgr. menu order
3.  Alphabetical order, by function

As voluminous as these files are, there are almost certainly some 
errors.  I'd appreciate them being pointed out to me so I can fix them.

I have no idea what the usefulness of such listings are, but creating them 
served some usefulness to me in finding a way to "wrap my arms around" the 
command structure of GRASS, which is somewhat unique to me after 25 years 
of working with software.  I find working with GRASS akin to driving a 
"driver's ed" car with dual controls in the front seat: manual shift on the 
left side and automatic transmission on the right side.  Not bad, not 
wrong, but decidedly different.

It would be possible to strip some code out and rename any of the 3 above 
as full_index.html and place it in the appropriate cygwin subdir, and it 
would come up whenever "Help" is clicked in the main GRASS window, but I 
have not done so.  If anyone is interested, I will make such available.

In making the above sorted listings of the help file, I linked them all 
back to the Baylor website.  Since GRASS insists on using "http://..." on 
all screens except the main starting screen, it occurs to me that a 
workaround might well be to link ALL help screens back to the Baylor site 
rather than accessing the help files in the ../docs/html/ subdirectory.

John Robertson

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