[winGRASS] Installation problem native win version

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Dec 7 15:27:00 EST 2006

It turns out i did have this same issue with grass-native, thanks Jonathan.

(bye-bye Cygwin)


Jonathan Aguero wrote:
> I worked more in the locking problem today and found a partial solution.
> I commented the following lines in the /grass/etc/init.sh file:
> # Check for concurrent use
> #lockfile="$LOCATION/.gislock"
> #"$ETC/lock" "$lockfile" $$
> #case $? in
> #    0) ;;
> #    1)
> #    echo $USER is currently running GRASS in selected mapset. 
> Concurrent use not allowed.
> #    rm -rf "$tmp"  # remove session files from tmpdir
> #    exit 1 ;;
> #    *)
> #    echo Unable to properly access "$lockfile"
> #    echo Please notify system personel.
> #    exit 1 ;;
> #esac
> The symbol # before the line made it a comment and the locking is not 
> performed by GRASS. As mention in other mails, concurrence might not be 
> a problem in windows.
> It seems like many other people experienced this problem but GRASS keeps 
> going while in some other systems crashes, it might be a difference in 
> how updated XP is.
> Note that this is a very pedestrian solution, GRASS programmers could 
> come up with a better one but in the mean time this may get you going 
> with WINGRASS.
> Jonathan Aguero Valverde
> Research Assistant and Ph.D. Candidate
> Pennsylvania State University
> The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute
> 201 Transportation Research Building
> University Park, PA 16802
> www.personal.psu.edu/jua130
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* wingrass-bounces at grass.itc.it 
> [mailto:wingrass-bounces at grass.itc.it] *On Behalf Of *Jonathan Aguero
> *Sent:* Friday, October 13, 2006 8:57 AM
> *To:* wingrass at grass.itc.it
> *Subject:* [winGRASS] Installation problem native win version
> Dear listers,
> I downloaded and installed the new native version of winGRASS yesterday. 
> The installation apparently was successful but when I tried to start 
> GRASS after I selected the location and mapset it flashed the following 
> message:
> Locking is not supported in Windows!
> and close the window.
> I did not install PG 8.1 since I have the 8.0 version and I wanted to 
> save the trouble so I modify the grass.bat the see at the 8.0 folder. 
> Anyway the problem seems more OS related than PG related. My OS is XP 
> professional SP2.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Jonathan Aguero Valverde
> Research Assistant and Ph.D. Candidate
> Pennsylvania State University
> The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute
> 201 Transportation Research Building
> University Park, PA 16802
> www.personal.psu.edu/jua130

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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