[GRASS-windows] Running a bash script in Wingrass...

Marco Pasetti marcopstt at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 07:16:42 EDT 2008

Ciao Luigi,

>> the grass63 file should be in GRASS/msys/home/your_account, and if it is 
>> not present, that means that something went wrong during installation
> It was in C:\GRASS\msys\home\C\Documents and Settings\Luigi -- don't know 
> how it got there. Now I moved it to where you suggested and it works, i.e. 
> GRASS starts up.

as I imagined... unfortunately...
the bug is (quite certainly) caused by a missing key entry in your registry 
(HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" "Logon User 
I'll fix it in the next WinGRASS release

Thanks for pointing out that bug

Best regards,


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