[GRASS-windows] Re: importing ESRI grids (Enrico Crema)

Enrico R. Crema enryu_crema at yahoo.it
Fri May 1 12:20:03 EDT 2009

As I said in the previous message you should specify only the folder  
with the name of the raster map and not the header-file (basically the  
same thing you would do when you specify the folder in the dsn  
parameter when in importing a shapefile via v.in.ogr). Does the error  
still comes out doing this way?

Enrico R. Crema
Enrico R. Crema
PhD Candidate
Institute of Archaeology, UCL
AHRC Centre for the Evolution of Cultural Diversity
  +44 7899093191
e.crema at ucl.ac.uk
enrico.crema at gmail.com
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