[Inspire-data] Hello 2

Milo van der Linden mlinden at zeelandnet.nl
Mon Oct 26 12:06:29 EDT 2009

Hi there!

I am currently inquiring technical solutions for inspire data. For this
my primary focus is on (geospatial) ETL; from- and to- conversion for
the INSPIRE data format.

I am investigating two projects:


And spatial data integrator:


Both are based upon "regular" ETL suites (Pentaho and Talend)

It is my personal opinion that using INSPIRE format(s) as a
transportation mechanism first would be a good start. Native support for
given formats can be something for the future *as long* as you are at
lease capable to create or convert INSPIRE data.

What is your opinion on this?
Do you think connecting to "mainstream" ETL is good?
Would you prefer viewers, desktop gis or databases to handle INSPIRE
data natively?
Or would you be good with concentrating on "middleware" first?

I am curious about the general opinion on this topic.

Kind regards,

Milo van der Linden

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